Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Others

“The others” is the name of a famous Hollywood movie. I was addicted to see this film because of the vicissitude of the story. Especially the end of this movie, it was such a surprise to me; it was just opposite to my guessing.
There were three people living in a grange, the mother, the boy, and the girl. One day, the mother employed three servants to help her to manage the grange. However, a serious of strange things happened from that time on. The girl always said there was another child in their room, and the child was kind and friendly to her. Also, there was an old woman always crying in the house, but the mother couldn’t find her, only can hear the aghast voice. The mother asked the servants for help. They searched all of the house but found nothing; moreover, the mother found the servants had been dead for a long time when she saw the old pictures and the notes. To the mother’s surprise, she was told she was really a ghost by the servants, and her children were also ghost. She saw a family sitting in her room at that moment. She saw the kind child who was referred to by her girl. It was incredible! The mother couldn’t do anything but got crazy. She got so crazy that she cried to the boy and girl, and they gathered, crying and then sleeping. The family the mother had saw left the house the next day, because the family thought the house had a mother ghost, a boy ghost, and a girl ghost. The old woman crying in the room was a witch who was invited by the family which had left to dissipate the three ghosts, but failed, so they went away. At last, the mother realized herself was a ghost; of course, the servants were also ghosts who could help her to realize the truth.
After watching this movie, I was thinking for a long time. The famous Germanic philosopher Kant ever said: “There are four basic questions for people to solve. They are ‘who are we? Where are we from? What should we do? How to do?’” I realized that I couldn’t know my position some time, and I couldn’t know who I am and what should I do. I always bustle between the reality and the imagination, getting and spending. I am out of tune. It’s no point to live like this. I must realize myself genuinely to face the true life, to enjoy the true world. I think if I did this, I would be really mature and full of intelligence.

On the Importance of learning Western Civilization

In France, there is a famous sculpture made by Michelangelo(1475-1564)standing in a famous museum. The name of the sculpture is David. Michelangelo was a famous artist during the time of Renaissance. He ever spent 4 years to draw a great painting for Sistine Chapel in Florence. That was really a hard and boring work, but he kept on doing it until finished it. He was so famous that most of artists admired him very much, and also for his works. David is a enough work to represent Michelangelo’s eminent talent. David was a hero from the story of the Bible. David killed a brutal enemy who was a strong man when he was bringing lunch for his elder brother. That led a victory to the Hebrew; as a result, David became the king of Israel. He was a good king, and through his administration, Israel became rich and powerful. The sculpture David shows many beauties from any angles. It’s worth to be visited. It’s a great honor to see the real David sculpture. Every year, many people especially artists comes to see the sculpture. One day, a artist came to France to see the David for its fame. He couldn’t help being excited as soon as he saw it. He was addicted to the great work in spite of himself. Suddenly, he fell down on the ground of the museum. When he was sent to a hospital, the doctors found his coma relating with the sculpture David.
Why? When he saw the real sculpture David, there were so many components of arts running into his body. His body was greedy to receive all of the nutrition, but it couldn’t contain so many components of arts at once, so the artist was shocked by the components to a coma. In medical area, we call this “David disease”.
If a man didn’t know western civilization, he couldn’t understand this thing had happened. Even the artist, he didn’t get a coma if he knew nothing about western civilization and arts. Maybe, he only took some photos, or said the sculpture David was beautiful. That’s all! What a pity to him. Facing such a great work, he couldn’t be moved by the components of arts. Therefore, learning western civilization is important. It can improve people’s character of arts. It can improve people’s interests for life. It can fulfill people’s needs for life. Such as after my learning western civilization, I will be more excited than before when I get to Florence or Venice, the roots of Renaissance. I can feel the winds full of arts and humanism.
Also, I wondered why “David disease” happened in China. China has a lot of great works such as great wall, the warriors made by dust. Why there is “dusty warrior disease” or “great wall disease” happened in China? Perhaps, some differences between eastern and western world, but indeed I thought were Chinese people known a little about civilization. To know much more about civilization, we have to know the western civilization to compare with ours. That can help us know our own civilization better.
It can do some help for us to know the meaning of life from western civilization learning. I am not joking. Religion took a very important role during the middle ages. Religion is a kind of spirit relying to lead people to know the meaning of life. Except you are a philosopher, such as Plato, Pythagoras, or you couldn’t know the meaning of life. Up to today, Christianity is also the biggest religion in the world. Holy trinity (father, son, and Holy Spirit) is still giving a great influence to the world.
Still, from learning western civilization we can know western world much better. We can learn their advantages, and cancel their disadvantages. We should know Petrarch who did a great contribution to the sonnet. We should know who Alexandra is, and who Caesar is. We should know Dante who wrote the divine comedy. We should know gothic architecture, Romanesque art and baroque architecture. From that, we can know why they could defeat us in the war, why there are so many developing countries in western world.
After learning western civilization, I got to know there were a lot of technical methods we used now days were from western civilization. For example, some terms of fine arts: linear perspective, atmospheric perspective invented by Brunelleschi, and chiaroscuro, sfumato invented by Leonardo da vinci(1452-1519).
At last, I am an English major. Maybe, maybe I will work in a foreign company in the future. At least, I should communicate with foreigners often. Learning western civilization can help me to know much more cultural background knowledge. I can communicate with foreigners easier with the help of the background knowledge.
I have a dream that one day, I will go to Paris to see Notre dame, to see the real Mona Lisa, to see the real virgin of the rocks, to see the last supper.
I have a dream that one day; I will go to Florentine to see the Sistine chapel, to see the last judgment, to see the Sistine Madonna.
I really got a lot after learning western civilization. I hope that every person living in China will learn western civilization to improve his art character. I hope one day, “David disease” will happen in China!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Office in China

Office in China

Virtual Office:
You have to rent an office in China if you wanna do business, and apartment is not available. There is a way that you rent an apartment which is more convenient for both living and working with renting fees saving. We could provide you some good virtual offices just for Registration.

My China Office:
With Amazing International Corporation, you're able to run your business in the optimal form—China office, without the financial or management burden exerted by the traditional office rental. With the opening up and economic development of China, many multi-national giants nowadays have already set up their China offices, enable them to find more and more channels to expand their business in China. Establishing a China office will produce benefits in many aspects for those overseas corporations.
We will take care of everything, including the basic registration procedures, and the relevant approvals. We will help you to solve many other related things upon your request. All you need to do is choose the right location and ready to move in. On the basis of a China office, you can grow, relocate or downsize with minimal disruption. We introduce two types of China office in the following passage.

Full-time office
Full-time office will be equipped with everything you need – for as long as you need it. The working time can be scheduled as you like. You can maximize productivity and reduce monthly costs. Funding the full-time office let you get in touch with your clients in the least time and expand your market in China.

Part-time Office
Maximize your productivity by paying only for the office time you use — but enjoy the full benefit of Mazzini Corporation Company administration and support while you're there. With 80 hours a month of private office time, a part-time office is optimal for professionals who require a local market presence but don't need a full-time office.

Advantages of MCO:
Cost effective - You can save 75% of operation cost over your setting up your own office. You do not need to pay extra fees and charges to FESCO (Foreign Enterprise Service Cooperation), and operation taxes, save administration expenses of the office, etc.
No investment needed
You don't have to buy equipment, pay deposits, rent or buy a office, etc.., everything is included in a monthly fee
Instant access to market
No complicated and time consuming registration procedures.
Transferable - An MCO serves as a stepping stone, when you are confident about the market prospect, the whole MCO can be transferred to your own management.
A whole range of benefits like your own branch office - offers a sense of personal touch with your clients and customers; Build up PR network, distribution channels and client base; providing technical support and training to your clients and agents; collecting first hand information for market research; organizing promotion and advertising campaigns; managing accounts receivable, grasping other business opportunities, and business planning such as travel arrangements, appointment scheduling, event planning, marketing material preparation, etc.

Bank Account Open

Bank Account Open

By definition, an offshore bank account is an account with a bank located out of the country of residence. More specifically,
it refers to bank accounts held within tax heavens or offshore jurisdictions.
Amazing International Corporation offers a full range of offshore banking services, bank accounts with internet banking, credit or debit card facilities which guarantee convenient access to your funds at anytime and anywhere you are in the world.
Offshore banking can be offered as part of an offshore incorporation package, or as a standalone service if you already have an offshore company registered.
We currently can introduce you to banks for offshore bank account opening in eight major jurisdictions: Hong Kong, UK, Germany,Cyprus,Seychelles,Latvia,Isle of Man , St. Kitts. If you are primarily based in China, you can also consider setting up an offshore bank account with Shenzhen Development Bank or other Chinese banks authorized by the PBOC to offer offshore services, although there are limitations if compared to overseas offshore banking facilities (credit
and debit cards, English-language internet banking etc.)

Offshore Company Advantages

Offshore Company Advantages

There are many benefits for owning an offshore structure:

Corporate and personal tax savings and reduction: exemption of VAT, stamp duty, tax on capital gains and dividends.
Asset protection (against spouse, lawsuits etc.)
Banking privacy
Anonymity an confidentiality
Low operation costs
Affordable and quick way to start a business
Easy way to start business(set up a Representative Office or Company) in China

Jurisdictions differ in regard of the advantages they offer, and some may have additional benefits that are not listed above.
You can contact me if you need professional advice prior to selecting a jurisdiction to incorporate offshore.
Incorporation service we provide: HK,UK,Seychelles,Belize,Brunei,Marshall Islands etc.

Friday, April 10, 2009

China Visa Introduction

China Visa Introduction

In,china,there are 5 common visas: L visa,F visa,Z visa and residence permit,X visa

F visa: F visa namely business visa, Visa F to aliens who are invited to China on a visit or on a study, lecture or business tour, for scientific technological or cultural exchanges, for short-term refresher course or for job-training, for a period not more than six months.

L visa:L visa namely tourist or visitor visa , Visa L to aliens who come to China for sightseeing, visiting relatives or other private purposes.

X visa:X visa nameliy student visa, is issued for foreigners to study in Chinese schools or universities,and who hold X visa are not to work during this study period in China and they have to leave China after graduation.

Z visa; namely work visa,Visa Z to aliens who come to China to take up posts or employments and to their accompanying family members

Residence permit, namely work visa. In 2005, work visa is renamed as residence permit. From then on, the visa for foreigners to work in China is residence permit.

Aliens holding visas Z shall, within 30 days of entry into China, obtain alien’s residence permit from Division of Exit & Entry Administration of Hang Zhou Municipal Public Security Bureau.

The period of validity of the aforementioned certificates is the duration of the holders' permitted stay in China.

Aliens who need to prolong their stay or residence in China beyond the expiration of their visas or residence permit shall apply for an extension before the expiration of their visas or certificates.

Feel free to contact me if you need Visa Solutions

WFOE(Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise) in China

WFOE(Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise) in China

There are 3 kinds of WFOE(Manufacturing, Trading, Service) in China, and someone always doesn't make it clear. Here are the features of WFOE in China:

Operational features:

For manufacturing enterprise: They process or assemble the products they sell. The procedure of purchasing and processing of raw material with labor force is its great feature. For technical companies, they can be deemed as manufacturing enterprise if their operation activities include the procedure of processing the raw materials. Otherwise, they can't be defined as manufacturing enterprises.

For trading enterprise: Their chief feature is that they mainly carry on commodity or service exchange using some kind of currency. Generally, its operation pattern is a buying and selling.

For service enterprise: They provide certain invisible services, such as consultation, technology, patent and so on. Generally there is no trading of physical commodities.

Tax affairs: Manufacturing enterprise: they have to pay Value Added Tax (output tax payable minus input tax), where there are generally two different tax rates: 13% and 17% (For some special industry the rates will be different). Instead of VAT invoice, small taxpayers can issue plain invoice with the tax rate of 5% based on sales revenue. Enterprise income tax rate is 25% based on net profit at the year end.

Trading enterprise: they have to pay Value Added Tax (output tax payable minus input tax), where there are generally two different tax rates: 13% and 17% (For some special industry the rates will be different). Tax refund with rates from 4% to 13% is available for companies engaged in international trading. Enterprise income tax rate is 25% based on net profit at the year end.

Service enterprise: generally use plain invoice with the tax rate of 5% (few companies such as advertisement service and so on are exposed to different tax rate). Enterprise income tax rate is 25% based on net profit at the year end.

Registration request: According to the new Corporation law, the minimum registered capital for an enterprise is 30,000 RMB (except sole proprietorship and industry with special permission). Considering respective operating environment and convenience for registration, we suggest as follows:

Manufacturing enterprise: The minimum registered capital is 500,000 US dollars. It shall have at least 1 executive director and 1 supervisor if it doesn’t have a board of director or a board of supervisor. The executive director is the legal representative, and may hold a concurrent post of general manager. The registration procedure needs the enterprise to provide leasing contract of manufacturing location (it should be the contract of factory location, instead of office location), the environmental protection examination opinion and the Fire service opinion.

Trading enterprise: The minimum registered capital is 200,000 US dollars. It shall have at least 1 executive director and 1 supervisor if it doesn’t have a board of director or a board of supervisor. The executive director is the legal representative, and may hold a concurrent post of general manager. The registration procedure needs the enterprise to provide leasing contract of office (or building) location.

Service enterprise: The minimum registered capital is 100,000 US dollars. It shall have at least 1 executive director and 1 supervisor if it doesn’t have a board of director or a board of supervisor. The executive director is the legal representative, and may hold a concurrent post of general manager. The registration procedure needs the enterprise to provide leasing contract of office (or building) location.

Feel free to contact me if you wanna set up WFOE in China.

Set Up a Representative Office (RO) at Hangzhou China

Set Up a Representative Office (RO) at Hangzhou China

A China representative office (RO) is an office of a foreign enterprise set up in China for liaison with Chinese businesses and customers on behalf of its parent company.
A RO is not considered to be a separate legal entity. It must be emphasized that a representative office may not carry out direct revenue earning business activities.
For example, it cannot enter into purchase/sales contracts and cannot receive payment for services, issue invoices nor repatriate moneys overseas.
However, a RO can open bank accounts and employ staff to maintain liaison with customers and suppliers. Its head office can also enter into contracts with its supplier/customers in China in its own name, but not in the name of its RO.
Therefore, before a foreign investor establishes its presence in China using foreign investment enterprises (FIEs) such as equity joint venture(JV), cooperative joint venture(JV) or a wholly foreign- owned enterprise(WFOE), it could first set up a representative office to test the Chinese market.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions on what refered to above or other investment or trading business.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

How to Start Business at Hangzhou China

There are various forms of investment entities available to suit different business objectives and operations:
1. Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise ( WFOE)A WFOE as the name suggests - is 100% foreign owned but could be a manufacturing wfoe, consulting wfoe, catering wfoe etc. It will allow you greater management control and flexibility.
2. Foreign Invested Commercial Enterprise(FICE) A FICE could also be classified as a WFOE and it is in nature a trading company allowed to do retail and wholesale activities in China.
3. Joint Ventures(JV)If your investment involves a Chinese partner you could probably go to set up either a Sino-Foreign equity joint venture or a cooperative joint venture.
4. Representative Office ( RO)Setting up a representative office has been the most simple way to get into China and the easiest way to gain on-the-market experience.
5. Mergers and Acquisitions(M and A)Mergers and acquisitions are also powerful ways to enter China market. M and A can provide enhanced speed to market, increased incentive alignment, local knowledge, expertise, and access to a strong network of relationships.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions on what refered to above or other investment or trading business.